Abbey Parks very own
Major Oak Sapling
The ceremony to mark the planting of the Major Oak sapling on Abbey Park and to formally ‘welcome’ the fruit trees planted last winter was held 23rd February 2022. Where the Major of Rushcliffe, local schoolchildren and other Abbey Park residents were at the planting.
Izi Banton, Estates and Conservation Manager for RSPB Sherwood Forest said: “There are Major Oak saplings which have been planted in locations right around the world, so we know that its offspring will be growing and generating their own acorns and saplings for centuries to come and I am delighted that we have been able to donate this one to a community in our own county, to stand alongside other. Nottinghamshire species which have been so carefully selected for Abbey Park.”
The sapling will be a significant addition to the recent planting on Abbey Park. Pupils from Edmund Campion Primary School will be involved in the planting of the Oak, and in the care of the fruit trees, and so encouraged to learn about their positive environmental impact and their Nottinghamshire history.
Surrounded by stakes and wire to protect it, it will be nursed along with several other fruit trees, by the children of St Edmund Campion School who have kindly agreed to adopt them. We hope to bring you photographs of them if and when permission is gained, but for now please enjoy some photos of the day and the tree planting.
Digging begins

Posts setting in - this took some doing!
Nearly there
Wire fitted for protection


Our delicate little sapling 2022

2024 and its growing beautifully
Left to right... Lesley Morris, The Lady Mayoress Sue Mallender, Ruth Kerry, Sue Andrews, Simon Middlecote and Councillor Penny Gowland