Truxor clearing using Shared Prosperity Funding from the UK Government
The Truxor clears a path to improve water flow

The article was featured on the Rushcliffe Borough Council Facebook page. Included here is the text:
Canal & River Trust received a grant to support a project clearing reeds that are dominating parts of the Grantham Canal in West Bridgford, improving water flow and enhancing habitats for wildlife. 🦆🐞
Due to access issues, clearance was not able to take place in Lady Bay last spring. We’re pleased this has now been rectified and reed clearance now underway.
The restoration works follow on from the great work done by local group WeBCan and local residents over the winter.
Paul Abel reported that the Truxor digging for the Norfolk Reed rhizomes earlier today had left lot of pieces of rhizome which are now embedded in the blanket weed on the bottom. He suggests that this is going to be very heavy to pull out, but the Truxor’s visit will help keep a clear channel through the centre of the canal.