Working Party Updates

Volunteering Sessions
During the past few months we had hour long volunteering session to clear some of the canal of detritus and reeds. These will now continue for as long as the weather allows. Look out for further dates via your email or whatsapp (scan the QR codes).
As ever, we are so very grateful to our volunteers.
If you are interested in helping us, please contact Paul Able via his email: workparties@icloud.com or call him on
07973 169820
Lock 2 - Gamston
Great turn-out today for work party pruning the branches of tree near Lock 2 in Gamston. We also cleared brambles & weeds from the steps of Lock 2. Many thanks (from left to right) to Bev, Reggie, Kiron, Margaret Alex, Stephen, Chris Holmes, Pam, Gemma, Camilla and Peter. Before & after photos will be added below.

Grantham Canal Society
The Spill Weir has long been an issue on our stretch of Canal as the damage has meant the loss of much needed water, so we are thrilled to have The Grantham Canal team spend valuable time and resources completing a temporary repair. Sadly, it has been made easier by the lack of water in the canal.

Nesting Season = Reed growth
Margaret has been a stalwart throughout last year and this. Here, she can be seen keeping the reed shoots at bay. Paul tried throwing the v-shaped blade contraption reporting that it definitely worked well but you need to be Geoff Capes to claim it is easy to use!
The following session on Easter Monday Robert, David, Howard and Margaret helped by throwing the v-shaped blades which cut the new emerging reed shoots.
The next step is to tow the blade from the back of a boat, or at least use a boat to place it in the water without creating a splash. It is meant to sink to the bottom and cut close to the bed, often bringing up shoots which can't be seen from the surface. Fingers crossed this works!

Recent working parties update
It's been some time since we updated this page with working party information. However, things have been continuing with gusto. Much reed has been moved since the Truxor came to cut down reeds along the stretch at the top end of Lady Bay. The Grantham Canal Society helped us enormously too, by coming to cut down an overgrown Hawthorne Tree. Included here are a series of photos from the past few sessions. Thanks again to Paul Abel for organising and to the fantastic volunteers!

Truxor clearing using Shared Prosperity Funding from the UK Government
The article was featured on the Rushcliffe Borough Council Facebook page. Included here is the text:
Canal & River Trust received a grant to support a project clearing reeds that are dominating parts of the Grantham Canal in West Bridgford, improving water flow and enhancing habitats for wildlife. 🦆🐞
Due to access issues, clearance was not able to take place in Lady Bay last spring. We’re pleased this has now been rectified and reed clearance now underway.
The restoration works follow on from the great work done by local group WeBCan and local residents over the winter.
Paul Abel reported that the Truxor digging for the Norfolk Reed rhizomes earlier today had left lot of pieces of rhizome which are now embedded in the blanket weed on the bottom. He suggests that this is going to be very heavy to pull out, but the Truxor’s visit will help keep a clear channel through the centre of the canal.

Where we are now
Since the beginning of last June, Paul Abel has now organised a staggering 49 work parties!
Yesterday's gathering was exceptionally successful. Verity, Ursula, Pam & Jezz, Penny, Margaret, Cath, Patricia and Ken managed to fill & float 21 of the new bags from the towpath over to the offside - many thanks to them all.
We regularly receive positive comments from walkers on the canal about the gains made so far. However, there is still a lot to do and we will need regular maintenance parties moving forward. If you feel you could give an hour or two of your time to help improve the canal, please do get in touch with Paul Abel either by calling him on +44 7973 169820 or email workparties@icloud.com

Squeezing another working party in despite the forecast.
Sue & Richard got to work on the culvert near Radcliffe Road Cycles this Sunday, while the larger team worked upstream clearing and bagging waste using our new (and may I say) super duper bags. The progress made was quite staggering by both parties.
Report from Richard:
We managed to get the water flowing through the culvert after removing a lot of litter as well as natural vegetation and silt. You can't really see from the photos, but there was a full bag of plastic debris and broken glass, etc. including a mudguard and a trainer, and another of unbroken glass bottles, aluminium cans, and other metal. All to be recycled. This included 2 old returnable milk bottles, one from the Co-op, which will be washed and go on our doorstep, and the other the taller, much older design. Also, some very old cans with separate ring pulls. Hopefully, we created a channel to prevent it all going in again. Thanks to Radcliffe Road Cycles for the bin bags.