Squeezing another working party in despite the forecast.
Reeds, Rafts and Culverts

Sue & Richard got to work on the culvert near Radcliffe Road Cycles this Sunday, while the larger team worked upstream clearing and bagging waste using our new (and may I say) super duper bags. The progress made was quite staggering by both parties.
Report from Richard:
We managed to get the water flowing through the culvert after removing a lot of litter as well as natural vegetation and silt. You can't really see from the photos, but there was a full bag of plastic debris and broken glass, etc. including a mudguard and a trainer, and another of unbroken glass bottles, aluminium cans, and other metal. All to be recycled. This included 2 old returnable milk bottles, one from the Co-op, which will be washed and go on our doorstep, and the other the taller, much older design. Also, some very old cans with separate ring pulls. Hopefully, we created a channel to prevent it all going in again. Thanks to Radcliffe Road Cycles for the bin bags.