Public Meeting 24th September 2024 at Poppy & Pint at 8pm

Chair: Councillor Penny Gowland
Attendance 40 people
Paul Abel gave a presentation on the current situation with this section of the canal and summarised alternative proposals which have been considered. He indicated that the group currently had very limited resources. He referred to a detailed report by Duncan Scott on the likely causes and possible solutions to the periodic drying of the canal from Gamston Lock to Lady Bay which had been published on the Facebook Group..
The following proposals had been considered:-
1) Dredge the Lady Bay section of the canal and re-line all or parts with new clay
There is always silt in canals which are dredged. There is a particular problem north of Ropsley Crescent where there is a gradient so the water has to go uphill to the end of the canal. This option would involve relining the canal and would take a long time to obtain necessary finances.
2) Maintain a narrow channel through the middle but accept it may all dry out most years
The thinking here is that there could be marsh land either side of the channel. There is however no water coming over lock 2 to keep the channel in water.
3) Just let nature take over, like the dry section between Cotgrave & Kinoulton
This is not the vision of the WebCan group.
4) Focus our efforts on creating a new route to the River Trent, around the eastern edge of Lady Bay
This the long term aim of the Grantham Canal Trust for which a significant funding and approvals are needed. There would still be issues with the canal from Lady Bay Bridge to the spillway.
5) Focus on reducing water loss through transpiration by reducing the coverage of 3000 sqm of reeds
It is estimated that there are 60 tons of reeds to remove.
6) Hire hydrologists & other experts to identify and repair leaks
The grant application was unsuccessful. The leaks can’t be found until the blanket weed and reeds have been removed.
7) Abstract water from boreholes in various locations
Electric or solar power would be required and there was the risk of vandalism.
8) Back-pump water from the River Trent at Environment Agency
There would be issues over the ownership of the land to site a pump. The Environment Agency does not own the building by the River Trent.
9) Connect the canal via pipes to new or existing water sources to the west of the A46
The case for this was not proven.
10)Divert water from streams (Polser Brook/ Thurlbeck) which currently run through culverts under the canal - This would be complex.
11) Remove blanket weed to reduce losses through evaporation and silt deposition
A lot of the sludge in the canal was decomposed blanket weed. It is very heavy to move. It reoccurs and is a battle too far.
Paul stated that the levels above locks 2 and 3 had been very consistent, whereas below lock 2 to the Trent had been dry. His suggestion was to raise the level by 5cm so that it would flow over lock 2. He explained that an inspection of locks 2 and 3 had revealed that they had wooden sluice gates which were rotten. He proposed replacing these with new sluice gates which were adjustable. They could be opened to fill the Trent Boulevard end and then closed when the spillway level is reached. It would be a challenge to replace the sluices and would require inflatable barriers. There was also a need to reduce the loss of water to the reeds and this would have to be done mechanically.
During the following question and answer and general discussion the following points were made:
Some reservation was expressed that adjusting the level at lock 3 risked letting all the water out. Conversely it was suggested that the flow from Skinners Lock would top it up.
Is there a biological solution to the silt. It was felt however that the silt was a barrier to the failed clay
As soon as the reeds are cut and drowned they don’t come back
There was support to replacing the sluice gates which would need approvals from the Canals and Rivers Trust. If it didn’t work it was reversible. Grantham Canal Society were looking into the sluice gate at Skinners Lock to see if it could be modified to stop water escaping.
The ceasing by Severn Trent of the discharge of treated water into Cotgrave Brook has impacted the water levels in the canal.
5cm of water in the Lady Bay canal would help bio=diversity. Dragon flies had returned now there was water in the canal again. Appropriate planting could help stop the blanket weed. Planting water lilies had stopped the blanket weeds and survived the drought with some care and attention.
Suggested that residents take responsibility for bite sized bits of the canal through Lady Bay.
The footings under the Gamston bridge need attention and may contribute to leaks. It was explained that a proper investigation was needed as underpinning was required. A meeting was to be held between the Canal Society and the Canal and Rivers Trust. The design would need to be approved by the Trust.
Suggested Rushcliffe could be approached to obtain a vehicle to cut the reeds and then dispose of the waste. In the longer term if the weeds etc were cleared in the canal at Cotgrave Country Park it would increase the water flow. This would need mechanical equipment to clear. Grantham Canal Society have a dredger.
It was understood that voluntary organisations could use carbon credits, where the polluters paid and the money was allocated by the environmental bank. No response on this from Canals and Rivers Trust but is was noted that their budget and funding had been cut. It was suggested that the local MP and Regional Mayor be asked to speed the process up and get the different agencies involved to work together more efficiently and effectively.
There was a need for WebCan to have a press officer. Rushcliffe press office may be able to help.
Siting a noticeboard for WebCan by the canal would generate additional interest .
The culvert at Tollerton Bridge was next to be looked at and Paul was confident this could be tackled.
The thanks for the sponsorship of the waste bags be recorded as it had led to a useful contact being made
Summary of Proposed Action
Suggested action points from the meeting to take forward
* Get approval from Canals and Rivers Trust to replace the wooden sluice gates on locks 2 and 3.
* Approach the local MP James Naish to get involved to assist speeding up processes
* Submit a revised grant application for the hydrologist and include contractors cutting reeds
* Approach Severn Trent to be contribute financially.
* Encourage neighbourhood adoption of the Lady Bay segment of the canal.
* Pursue having a WebCan noticeboard
* Consider having a Press Officer.
The meeting closed at 9pm